How Chiropractors Address Auto Accident Injury Recovery

Auto accidents of all types can lead to injuries, no matter how serious. Some people do not realize they have been injured until the shock wears off. It is then, they begin to…

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Does Stress Cause Diarrhea? IBS, Stress, and Bowel Movement

While episodes of diarrhea do occur in at least 50 percent of the population at one time or another, diarrhea still poses a troubling health risk around the globe. Diarrhea is now…

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What are the long-term effects of whiplash after a car accident?

While whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries, it is also one of the most misunderstood conditions

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Whiplash vs Concussion: What’s the difference?

A whiplash-type injury impacts your neck and shoulders. Commonly caused by rear-end impact, this injury occurs when you're violently and forcefully jolted forward and backward…

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5 Most Popular Yoga Poses for Pregnant Women

According to Dr. Tiffani Fries, from Genesis Chiropractic in Salt Lake City, Utah, yoga involves gentle stretching movements coordinated with timed breathing. This form of…

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Best Prenatal Chiropractor in Holladay, Utah for Pregnant Women

Women who become pregnant will undergo significant body changes as the birth date becomes closer. While this is all entirely normal, there are some body change consequences that…

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When to Start Prenatal Chiropractic Care Treatments

If you're expecting, you may also be wondering what to expect in terms of wellness timelines. Many women decide to incorporate prenatal chiropractic care into their overall plans…

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How Chiropractors Help Treat Lower Back Pain for Pregnant Women

Low back pain is common enough in pregnancy that saying that 50 percent of all pregnant women experience it is considered a modest estimate. However, we should never mistake a…

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What to look for in your Prenatal Chiropractor

You deserve the best during your pregnancy journey! We know so much more about how overall wellness connects with prenatal wellness than we did just a few years ago. Today, many…

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