Are You Suffering from Food Allergies?

Food allergies seem to be on the rise. Chiropractic care may help the immune system reconnect with nerve pathways that are blocked. Chiropractic adjustments may trigger the body…

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Losing Weight Naturally with Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a medical condition that occurs when the thyroid gland, located in the neck, does not produce enough thyroid hormone.

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5 Signs Your Gut Isn’t Healthy & What You Can Do to Treat It

Every unique individual will have different bowel habits. However, if you are consistently only defecating every few days or less, this is a sign that your gut may not be in a…

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What is Functional Constipation and How is it Different from IBS?

Most people suffer from bouts of constipation from time to time. However, when those bouts become more frequent and begin to impact daily life, it is time to get the problem…

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Hypothyroidism & Pregnancy: Testing, Treatment, and Causes

Pregnancy can be impacted by both low or high thyroid hormones resulting in hypothyroidism, or low, or hyperthyroidism or high thyroid levels.

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How To Change Your Unhealthy Habits

There are three things that have to happen to change unhealthy habits. The first is that you must make the decision to change. When you make a decision, you are affirming to…

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Why It’s Important to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

Anyone who has suffered through an automobile collision or other accident admits to feeling traumatized. Physical and psychological factors converge when control is lost and…

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How Women’s Weight Loss Can Differ from Men’s Weight Loss

Men and women who are overweight can both successfully lose those extra pounds if they plan their weight loss routines differently. Many want to know how and why women lose weight…

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10 Holistic Solutions for Pain Management

More doctors are turning to natural pain relief measures in an effort to help patients better manage their pain in a safe manner and with less adverse side effects.

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What Is Pelvic Misalignment? How Do Chiropractors Treat It?

For many women, seeing a prenatal chiropractor is part of a plan to prevent or manage common pregnancy "complaints" like morning sickness, acid reflux, restlessness, swelling,…

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